added entry

英 [ˈædɪd ˈentri] 美 [ˈædɪd ˈentri]

网络  附加款目; 被加项



  1. When the scores are added up, the only entry that definitely makes it onto the August menu is a meat-stuffed melon topped with ketchup to simulate the Olympic flame.
  2. One advantage of using a class as a parameter object instead of many different parameters is that if any more fields are added to the time entry field, you can simply add a new field to the object.
  3. TIP: In my screenshot below, I have added a second entry so that both the NetBIOS name and the FQDN name are listed, just in case there is a change regarding the server name convention
  4. CreateSourceFolder: Creates an EGL source folder in the project with the name specified in the parameters ( The new EGL source folder will be added to the egl path entry)
  5. After a partner is added to this list, you can promote her to Primary partner ( as indicated by an asterisk next to her name), and the entry sorts to the top.
  6. After modifying every user in SunOne LDAP server, run the ldapsearch command again on any user to verify that the aixAuxAccount has been added to the user entry.
  7. Here in an example," My Customized Menu "is the newly added content, the corresponding entry should be made in the OATDIR/ lang/ en/ lang_menu.xml file.
  8. Also, users can set the display options for the added calendar entries by selecting colors for the background, text, and entry icon.
  9. After discovering the newly added service, the IDynamicServiceRegistry class can be updated to add an entry for the newly found service and corresponding service utility classes can be coded.
  10. Select the added entry, and click on Run.
  11. By default, a nested data table of employees will be added for each department entry.
  12. A new element called "item" is added to the Output tree entry node.
  13. As items are added to the office clipboard, an entry is displayed in the clipboard task pane.
  14. This approach is not recommended because each user is added as an entry in the link state table, which causes the link state table to grow very large.
  15. For the black residence, which features circular windows and curved surfaces, Wallis kept the scale of the rooms and the staircase and added walls and entry thresholds with curved corners to match streamlined attributes of the structure.
  16. Mr Harada added that the first stage of the market entry process was not necessarily an expensive step since it usually involved a distribution deal with a local company.
  17. Mr Fang added that, though it took hundreds of years for "London to become London", China might benefit from its late entry to the world of market capitalism.